The international primary standard for the kilogram is made of90% platinum, 10% iridium. 重量和长度的国际标准原型用90%的铂,10%的铱制成。
Pursuit of practical work style being as the primary standard of construction of a clean and honest Army 求真务实是军营廉政建设的首要标准
Where a primary reference standard is not available from an officially recognized source, an in-house primary standard should be established. 从官方认可的货源处无法得到基本参考标准品时,应该制备一个“内部基本标准品”。
According to the primary standard of core competitive ability recognition. The recognition method system of high-tech enterprise core competitive ability is constructed. 依据核心竞争力识别的基本标准,构建高新技术企业核心竞争力的识别方法体系。
Research and Manufacture of National Primary Standard Torque System 国家扭矩基准系统的研究与制造
The total uncertainty of the photometric primary standard is ± 0.33%. 光度基准总的不确定度为±0.33%。
Study on the watt level primary standard for laser power 瓦级激光功率基准器的研究
And quality of reconstructed soil is the primary standard for evaluating effect of soil reconstruction. 重构土壤的质量是检验土壤重构或农林草复垦成败的主要标准。
The establishment of USPTO's nonobviousness examination standard for the software inventions experience a tortuous process. The primary standard was vague. USPTO的软件发明专利申请的审查标准的确立经历了一个曲折的过程,最初此标准是模糊的。
Method: We searched Medline; The Microcalorimeter for Radium Primary Standard 方法:本研究检索了4个主要数据库:Medline(1966-2000);镭基准监测量热计
The evaluating method in the uncertainty of measurement and its application examples in the primary standard material purity, optical reference filter wavelength standard reference material, Zn-alloy component standard reference material are introduced. 介绍了测量不确定度的评定方法及其在基准试剂纯度、干涉滤光片波长标准物质、锌合金成分标准物质中的应用实例。
The paper introduces a practical method to improve the detection efficiency of 3H, 14C sample, used for metrology technique research, using 4 πβ( LS) radioactivity of graduation solution of 3H, 14C of National Primary Standard. 介绍了如何提高3H、14C样品的探测效率,进行了计量技术的研究。使用4πβ(LS)活度国家基准刻度3H、14C溶液的放射性活度。
This paper will introduce the improvement of national primary standard for low pressure, middle pressure and high pressure, and the development of dynamic pressure calibration technology in China. 本文介绍了我国微压、中压和高压方面国家基准的改进和我国动态压力校淮技术的进展情况。
This paper gives a summary about the equipments and experimental results of photometric primary standard of China. 本文简要叙述建立光度基准的实验装置和实验结果。
According to "National Well-off Living standard Primary standard", the well-off standard level mainly divides into four aspects. First, the economy development of the level. 根据《全国人民小康生活水平的基本标准》,小康标准水平主要分为四个方面,第一,经济发展水平。
This paper raises that the primary standard of evaluating the sustainability of government debt is whether the government debt policy can be regulated according to the macro-economic change, so that the economy is unable to deviate too far from potential increase level; 本文提出衡量国债政策可持续性的首要标准就是国债政策是否能够根据宏观经济的变化适时进行力度及方式的调整,使经济不至于偏离潜在经济增长水平太远;
Management is the most important productive and efficiency is the primary standard of testing management level, so management and efficiency are the key factors determining competition of banks at the interim of WTO. 管理是最重要的生产力,效率是检验管理水平的主要标准,管理与效率是决定入世过渡期银行业竞争力的关键因素。
Faraday constant and the absolute determination of the purity of primary standard reagents 法拉第常数和基准试剂纯度的绝对测定
Based on the measurement method on optical film refractive index and thickness, commonly used in the world, a method which derived from variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry is used to set the primary standard of optical film refractive index and thickness for national defense. 论文在综合了国际上光学薄膜折射率和厚度不同测试方法的基础上,采用可变角椭圆偏振法来实现和建立国防系统的光学薄膜折射率和厚度最高标准。
A Free-air Chamber Used as the Primary Standard of Medium Energy X-ray Exposure 一个用于中能X射线照射量基准的自由空气电离室
This paper describes a method of obtaining absorbed dose to water from a graphite ionization chamber as a national absorbed dose primary standard by using the Loevinger ′ s photon fluence scaling theorem. 本文主要介绍用电离法测量60Coγ射线石墨吸收剂量基准装置和Loevinger提出的比例定度原理测量水中吸收剂量的方法和结果。
This paper briefly describes the principle, structure and performances of the national primary standard manometer built at the NIM in 1986. It covers a pressure range of 0 to 120 kPa with the total uncertainty ( 3 σ) of 2 ppm. 本文概要介绍中国计量科学研究院于1986年建立的国家气压基准器的原理、结构和性能。它的测量范围为0~120kPa,测量的总不确定度(3δ)为2PPm。
After comparing different infrared calibration methods based on cryogenic radiometer, We propose an infrared calibration method based on cryogenic radiometer using infrared source in combination with a monochromator as radiation source, cavity thermopiles detector and cryogenic radiometer as primary standard detectors. 在比较国际上基于低温辐射计的红外辐射定标技术的基础上,提出了以红外光源结合单色仪为辐射源,及以腔式热电堆探测器和低温辐射计为标准探测器的红外辐射定标方案。
The article elaborated the information quality basic concept, discussed the university student information quality ability raise primary standard, has analyzed now the university student information quality present situation, proposed the universities library development information education for all-around development way. 阐述了信息素质的基本概念,讨论了大学生信息素质能力培养的基本标准,分析了当今大学生信息素质的现状,提出了高校图书馆开展信息素质教育的途径。
VUV/ EUV Primary Standard Detector Facility and Transfer Detector Calibration VUV/EUV标准探测器装置和传输标准探测器的标定
A new automated spectro radiometric calibration system is used to establish the new national primary standard of color temperature. 用一个自动的光谱辐射校准系统建立新的国家色温度基准。
This major consists of two levels, one is the primary standard, two is the concrete standard. 标准主要包括两个层面,一是基本标准、二是具体标准。
Paddy soil quality and environment quality are all good, which have reached primary standard. 水稻田土壤质量和环境质量良好,都达到一级标准。
Describe the related security technology of mobile payment, including the security threats, safety requirements and the corresponding basic knowledge of information encryption and decryption. And elaborate two primary standard on the current mobile payment. 3. 描述了移动支付的相关安全技术,包括移动支付中的安全威胁和安全需求及相应的信息加、解密的基础知识,并且阐述了当今移动支付的两大基本标准。